
The 63 Brigade of the Nigerian Army Asaba on Saturday, June 29, 2019 embarked on a clean up exercise as part of activities to mark the 2019 Nigerian Army Day Celebration (NADCEL) with the theme ” Professionally Responsive Soldiering : A Panacea for Successful Military Operations.”

The sanitation exercise took the officers and men of the Brigade to the School of Midwifery market axis of Okpanam road where they swept the road and evacuated accumulated refuse into a waiting tipper.

Speaking on the essence of the exercise, the Commander 63 Brigade Asaba, Brigadier-General Usman Bello, said it was to sensitize members of the public on the importance of sanitation, inculcate in them the culture of keeping their environment clean at all times.

He added that the clean up exercise was the military’s own way of keying into the Delta State Government’s sanitation programme with the hope that the residents would keep the tempo by cleaning their homes and bussiness places.

General Bello said the exercise was also to develop a good civil-military cooperation between the 63 Brigade and the host community to enhance information sharing that would aid effective and successful military operations.

On NADCEL the Brigade Commander said the week-long activity was to honour members of the NA who fought in the First and Second World Wars, the Nigerian Civil War and Peace Keeping Operations, as well as members presently in service.

The Brigade Commander said the event was also an opportunity for soldiers to celebrate themselves, appraise their roles and achievements, while showcasing their capabilities in security operations.

He urged members of the public to see the military as a friend of the community and be willing to volunteer information that would be useful to the security agencies in the fight against crime and threat to public peace and order in the country.

General Bello further stated that the week long NADCEL activities would include free medical outreach, prayers to the Nigerian Army and the country during an interdenominational church service on 30 June and Jummaa service on Friday 5 July 2019 in military barracks across the Country.

He concluded that NADCEL is an important annual event in the Calendar of the NA to ensure the it remained professionally responsive in the discharge of its constitutional roles.

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